MINING GOD'S WORD ================================================================= (1) Available is a new Hypertext study called MINING GOD'S (2) WORDS. This program gives you the following list of words (3) to help you search any K.J.V. Bible for: Phrases, Topic (4) Words, Names, Keywords, Complete word listing of every (5) word in the Bible, Body parts list, Unique word listing, (6) Root words with Word Forms, Old Testament Phrases, New (7) Testament Phrases with Greek and Hebrew synonyms , plus (8) Synonyms and Contrasting words, Plus many more. (9) -The problem: You have a good fast Bible program that you (10) can search for word phrases and word combinations, but (11) you don't know all the possible words or phrases to (12) search for that is available. (13) -The Solution: GOD'S WORDS from Biblesoft Co. Raymond (14) Hamilton We have thousands and thousands of Word, Phrases (15) and Topic words to help you mine the wealth of knowledge (16) found in your Bible. This program is a T. S. R. (Resident (17) Program). A hot key will pop it up in any K. J. V. Bible (18) Program, and help give you leads and key words to search (19) for. Also can be used as a regular standalone program for (Press PageDown) (Press PageUp) (20) in depth research of what is available for your searches. ~~~~~~