Biblesoft Co. Box 308 Greenleaf Id. 83676 PH # 208-454- 2914 Software Minister To Be : We are proud to send you an opportunity to spread God's word in a new way. We can reduce your cost of purchasing Bible Software on disk, plus reduces our cost of getting these disk to you. We will rent to you a complete package of 100 disks which can be copied and resold or given out as a ministry as many times as you desire. We have many more disks of God's Word to share with you, at a price that you can afford to start up your own Software Ministry. The reason we would love to help you is because of the many resources we have available. We can help you develop a complete Computer Software Ministry with Bible software on a I.B.M. or clone computer. The following are what we supply to get you started in the exciting world of Computer Software ministry. ............... Computer Software Ministry Package ........ ...... 1. Over 100 disks of Public Domain and Shareware Software that you can copy and resale or give out for a donation as many copies as desired to finance your own Computer Software Ministry. These disks can be made available in two different ways. * One Rental as low as $1.00 a disk * Two Buy as low as $2.00 a disk. 2. Literature available for the marketing of this software included would be: * A three page flyer on paper and on floppy disk for copies, * Disk labels in electronic form on disk for your printer. * A Catalog of Biblesoft products that you are free to copy. 3. Lists of over 50 Church and Bible related Software Developers printed out in a report form, and address labels printed out ready to mail. Listing of Bible software Distributors. Marketing materials ready for you to distribute in electronic form and or to print out and distribute in printed form. 4. Lists of Editors and Reviewers of Christian Software. Church related resources to advertise, in with address labels printed out for you. A listing of electronic BBS (Bulletin Board System) available in the world that we know of. This would give you the possibility to tap into the information about Bible and Bible software products in the very fastest way possible the information on Bible and Computer information needed. 5. List of addresses of Magazines to advertize in or read so you can keep up on what is going on in the computer Bible software market. 6. Software included to get you started up and running completely within minutes of getting the products into your hand. Included in this package of software is: Word processor, Address and mail database manager, Disk Duplicator program which can copy 1 disk per 40 sec. Utilities to unarchive files and arc files. Utilities to do Bible research and develop some of your own Bible studies. Three Disks of Hypertext studies and programs to make your own studies in hypertext. Empty disks are also available at 30 cents each plus S/H 7. Making you a dealer for Biblesoft Co. Products including over 3500 disks which include, word studies, indexes, concordances, book studies, author studies, Jesus studies, Paul studies, Hypertext studies, and many more. All will be available to you at 40 % discount as a dealer. 8. Listing of resources of Bible or Christian organizations who are out there to serve you to help in receiving the most out of your computers for the Lord. ================================================================= ===== SALE PRICES ARE ............................. PRICE LISTING AUGUST 1990 SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 360 720 1.2 1.4 5DD 3DD 5HD 3HD 360K 1 $8.00 TOTAL $ 8.00 TOTAL $ 8.00 TOTAL $ 8.00 TOTAL 2 $7.50 EACH $ 8.00 TOTAL $ 8.00 TOTAL $ 8.00 TOTAL 3 $7.00 EACH $14.00 TOTAL $14.00 TOTAL $14.00 TOTAL 4 $5.50 EACH $14.00 TOTAL $14.00 TOTAL $14.00 TOTAL 5 TO 21 $5.00 EACH $ 4.50 x360k $ 4.00 x360k $ 3.50 x360k 22 - 50 $4.00 EACH $ 3.50 x360k $ 3.00 x360k $ 2.50 x360k 51 - 99 $3.50 EACH $ 3.00 x360k $ 2.50 x360k $ 2.00 x360k 100 PLUS $3.00 EACH $ 2.50 x360k $ 2.00 x360k $ 2.00 x360k ================================================================= ==== RENTAL PRICES ARE ON 360K 5 1/4 DISKS ONLY ................ ..... 1 to 15 disks $2.00 each 16 TO 100 disks $1.50 101 and up $1.00 each. ================================================================= ==== Return Rental Agreement Form I will return the software we rented within 2 weeks to Biblesoft Co. Box 308 Dept-S Greenleaf, Id. 83626 After receiving them. I understand I am free to make a copy of all rented disks. I understand if not returned, I will be charged full sale price for the disk as all rented disks are property of Biblesoft Co. unless paid for at full sale price. Signature______________________________ Minimum order; 5 Disks plus 10% Shipping. Methods of payment are: C.O.D., CHECK, VISA, or MASTERCARD. Special offer: Shareware Distributors Mailing Addresses We have over 450 Shareware distributors address on address labels for $45.00. These distributors are able to help you get new software beside what is available from Biblesoft Co. Also to developers these distributors can help you market your program as a shareware program or releasing in the Public Domain collection. These distributors could help you also if you are on their mailing list, and they send you their latest listing of shareware programs and keep you updated about what is going on in the software world. BIBLE SOFTWARE Listing of Public Domain and Shareware Software available from: BibleSoft Co. Box 308 Dept-S Greenleaf, Idaho 83626 PH # (208) 454-2914 Public Domain and Shareware disks for IBM and Clones. # PD-1 Godspeed demo disk a Bible search utility. # PD-2 Bibleq quizzes 1000 questions on old & new Testament & life of Jesus. # PD-3 Bquiz Q & A on the Bible. Up to 6 people can play. Keeps score. # PD-4 Hebrew programs Epson FX printers to print Hebrew characters. Hebrew program teach student english translation also how to speak Hebrew. # PD-5 CTA a Christian text adventure game. Battle evil. Ivtrit a Hebrew tutor uses transliterations to teach simple expressions. Jcal a Jewish calendar with cross-reference to any Gregorian date. Shows Jewish holidays for any year. Jesuslov plays the song "Jesus Loves Me" & shows words on screen. Jesussay shows sayings from new testament on the screen. Lehebrew teaches a few of most common Hebrew words (grade school level). Hebtut A Hebrew flashcard tutor. student types English translation. # PD-6 Gospel Concordance a complete concordance of the gospels. Unarced this disk fits on three disks By Raymond Hamilton Biblesoft Co. # PD-7 Good News a disk with two books of the Bible plus two search programs Pkfind, and Search. # PD-8 Bible Music Study a text file on the subject of music in the church. Bible Chronological Study a very in depth study of the times of the Bible and with very good time charts. The Story the famous story of the Bible about Jesus. Second coming study a text file on the subject of the second coming of Christ. Plus some other basic language programs. # PD-9 Bible Trivia a very in depth trivia game on the Bible. # PD-10 Bible Clue a very good Bible clue game. # PD-11 Topic Study Library covers over 190 topics with references to where the verses are found for that topic. Topic outline by subject of master outline to the topic outline library. # PD-12 Parables Game on the parables of the Bible. # PD-13 Church membership database program to keep track of church membership files. # PD-14 Scriptron demo PC-Bible demo # PD-15 View search program a very nice search program. YSTS ye search the scriptures another nice search program. # PD-16 Book study a single book order or random book name learning program. Bible conversion to ysts program converts Bible text files to YSTS format. Bsearch a very nice Bible search program. Biblemen quizzes on hundreds of names from old and new testament. # PD-17 Wisdom program # 1 a two part disk set that will pop up different parts of wisdom every day some of it Biblical some not. # PD-18 Wisdom program # 2 part two. # PD-19 Jewish calendar with cross-reference to any Gregorian date. Shows Jewish holidays for any year. Journey in the wilderness game in animated color that teaches 10 commandments. Jesus.say the sayings of Jesus show up on the screen when you run program. Jesus.lov # PD-20 - # PD-23 N.T. Hypertext word indexes on four disks in compressed format. Over 300 files on N.T. Words with full text in Hypertext. # PD-24 - # PD-27 Paul Hypertext 2.0 Arc files need unarced then copy all files into a Paul subdirectory and type hyper to start. Comes with search program and Complete word processor. By Raymond Hamilton 85,000 references in over 500 files. Complete text from Acts to Hebrews. Plus many more studies on Paul. # PD-28 - # PD-30 Gospel Hypertext Copyright 1988 Arc files need unarced then copy all files into a Gospel subdirectory and type hyper to start by Win Powell. # PD-31 Disk # Bible quiz with lots of questions and different levels of difficulty. # PD-32 and # PD-33 Wordworker a very nice N.T. program with lightning fast verse or word search capabilities on two disks. # PD-34 A collection of Bible studies with some in depth studies of O.T. flowers, O.T. rocks, N.T. harmony of the Gospels, N.T. names, prophecy, parables of Christ, miracles of Christ, fourfold Gospels, apostles study plus many more. # PD-35 Greektrs.bas is a basic education on Greek roots. Jesus.exe is a interactive program to which the computer answers back with words of Jesus to your questions. # PD-36 BibleSoft Demo Disk. # PD-37 Vansoft Church Contributions. # PD-38 PD-39 Christmas concert volume one and two. # PD-40 Don Nydam Everything a Pastor needs. # PD-41 Gensoft BIble Trivia Demo. # PD-42 Hebrew Quiz to learn Hebrew. # PD-43 TO PD-54 Seedmaster a shareware K.J.V. Bible program with up to three windows at one time with three keystokes to get from Genesis to Revelation. On twelve disks ready and easy to install. Best shareware Bible on the Market. Very good search abilties. # PD-55 TO PD-61 The K.J.V. Bible text files on seven disks in arced format comes with software to unarc text files. # PD-62 Seedmaster demo disk. PD #-63 to PD #-70 Online Bible Programme Version 2.1, KJV PRINT READ.ME file for installation instructions. PD #-71 Godspeed Hebrew and Greek demo version. PD #-72 To PD #-76 The Servant 5 disk set. A major church management system for churches. Very good database for just about every church size. PD #-77 Bible study helps covers four major topics. PD #-78 Sermon Indexer can index by title, subject ,scripture, and more.. PD #-79 Church manage membership records. PD #-80 Micro Bible Aid v1.0. PD #-81 Church prospect information system. PD #-82 Heritage church mananagement system menu driven. PD #-83 Jerusalem Adv. A Jerusalem adventure game. PD #-84 PC-STUDY BIBLE A Demo disk of a three version Bible a very nice product. PD #-85 INFOCENTER DEMO A EXECELLENT PRODUCT TO GET ILLISTRATIONS OF BIBLE AND CHRISTIAN IDEAS. PD #-86 DEMO DISK PARSONS TECH. COPYRIGHT 1988 QUICKVERSE BIBLE CONCORDANCE PD #-87 BIBLE SCHOLAR DEMO DISK BY SCHOLAR SYSTEMS PD #-88 INFOCENTER DEMO # 1 INTALL VERSION 2.1 PD #-89 INFOCENTER DEMO #2 DEMO DATA VERSION 2.1 PD #-90 BIBLESOFT WORD DEMO PLUS NEW CATALOG OF BIBLE PRODUCTS. PD #-91 NIV-PC SAMPLER TO RUN A:>SAMPLER PD #-92 BEREAN GOSPELS PD #-93 ONLINE BIBLE DEMO PD #-94 NAS COMPUTER BIBLE DEMO DISK BOOK OF ROMANS A:>BIBLE PD #-95 BIBLE COMPANION 2.3 PD #-96 SCRIPTURE QUEST 1.5 PD #-97 CHURCH ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PD #-98 BIBLEMEN/KEYS TO THE KINGDOM PD #-99 PROBLEMS PD #-100 CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS SYSTEMS PD #-101 THE GREAT EXCHANGE PD #-102 HEBREW PUBLIC DOMAIN UTILITIES PD #-103 CHURCH PRO 1/2 PD #-104 CHURCH PRO 2/2 PD #-105 SERMON MATERIAL # 1 PD #-106 PCBIBLE BIBLEOZ BIBLEQ VERSEDAT PD #-107 STUDY OF BOOK OF MARK IN HYPERTEXT PD #-108 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY EXE FILES 1/2 PD #-109 CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY DOC FILES 1/2 PD #-110 Online Bible Program 1/1 Installation Diskette V. 4.0 Run GO for Instructions Copyright(c) 1990 Ontario Woodside Bible Fellowship. PD #-111 The Online Bible Text Module 1/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-112 The Online Bible Text Module 2/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-113 The Online Bible Text Module 3/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-114 The Online Bible Text Module 4/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-115 The Online Bible Text Module 5/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-116 The Online Bible Text Module 6/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-117 The Online Bible Text Module 7/7 The Authorized Version 1611 Indexed to Strong's Numbers University Publishing House Cambridge, Great Britain PD #-118 The Online Bible Text Module 1/4 The Authorized Version 1611 1990 Greek & Hebrew Lexicon Copyright(c) 1990 Ontario Woodside Bible Fellowship. PD #-119 The Online Bible Text Module 2/4 The Authorized Version 1611 1990 Greek & Hebrew Lexicon Copyright(c) 1990 Ontario Woodside Bible Fellowship. PD #-120 The Online Bible Text Module 3/4 The Authorized Version 1611 1990 Greek & Hebrew Lexicon Copyright(c) 1990 Ontario Woodside Bible Fellowship. PD #-121 The Online Bible Text Module 4/4 The Authorized Version 1611 1990 Greek & Hebrew Lexicon Copyright(c) 1990 Ontario Woodside Bible Fellowship. PD #-122 Online Bible Programme 1/1 186,000 NT Cross Ref. The Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge by Canne, Browne, Blayner, Scott and others. PD #-123 - 130 Berean Bible Search complete bible K.J.V. Version very nice search features.  ~~~~~~