Root words that start with c! 196 * call 2 * calve 9 * camel 4 * cana 16 * candle 1 * canker 59 * captive 1 * carcas 20 * care 26 * carmel 11 * carnal 3 * carpenter 145 * carried 13 * carved 500 * cast 15 * catch 328 * cause 33 * cave 69 * cease 20 * centurion 196 * certain 1 * chaldaeans 52 * chamber 26 * change 102 * charge 1 * charmed 6 * chase 6 * chasten 10 * cheer 1 * cherish 3 * chew 4 * chide 338 * chief 201 * child 59 * choose 555 * christ 10 * circumcise 6 * clap 133 * clean 15 * clear 30 * cleave 1 * cliff 4 * climb 11 * close 18 * cloth 107 * cloud 12 * cock 14 * colour 1972 * come 66 * comfort 104 * command 7 * commend 75 * commit 8 * commune 4 * communicate 13 * companion 1 * comparable 39 * compass 5 * compel 4 * complain 14 * conceive 2 * concern 1 * conclude 24 * condemn 28 * confess 38 * confidence 13 * confirm 1 * conquer 14 * consecrate 15 * consent 67 * consider 1 * constrain 1 * consult 56 * consume 7 * contain 2 * contemn 14 * contend 16 * content 33 * continual 2 * convert 2 * convince 7 * correct 33 * corrupt 4 * cost 7 * couch 143 * counsel 26 * count 10 * couple 20 * courage 292 * covenant 72 * cover 8 * covet 6 * craft 8 * create 7 * creep 5 * crete 199 * cried 66 * crown 1 * cumbered 68 * cup 5 * cure 101 * curse 320 * cut ~~~~~~